Haven't blogged in a long while. My End of Year results weren't fantastic, but they were better than CA2. Ya. Its pretty boring now since there's not much school and time needs to be a wastin'! I really like Lilo and Stitch the movie. Its funny. Here are quotes from the movie:
Lilo: Oh good! My dog found the chainsaw!
Jumba: [captures Stitch] Aha! Now, all your washing is up!
Pleakley: You're under arrest. Read him his rights.
Jumba: Listen carefully.
[slams Stitch's head repeatedly against a palm tree]
Jumba: [captures Stitch] Aha! Now, all your washing is up!
Pleakley: You're under arrest. Read him his rights.
Jumba: Listen carefully.
[slams Stitch's head repeatedly against a palm tree]
Lilo: [creating voodoo dolls of her playmates and drowns them in a jar of pickles] My friends need to be punished.
Lilo: It's nice to live on an island with no large cities.
[Stitch throws a convulsive fit]
Lilo: Are you okay?
Pleakley: Oh great! He's loose!
Jumba: His destructive programming is taking effect. He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe.
Stitch: Aloha!
Gantu: Ah! You're vile; you're foul; you're flawed!
Stitch: Also cute and fluffy!
Nani: Lilo! There you are, "Honey Face!" This is Mr...”Bubbles".
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: Nice to meet you.
Lilo: Your knuckles say "cobra"...”Cobra Bubbles"... you don't... *look* like a social worker.
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: I'm a special classification.
Lilo: Did you ever kill anyone?
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: We're getting off the subject. Let's talk about you. Are you... happy?
Lilo: I'm adjusted.
[Repeats what Nani is signing to her behind Bubbles' back]
Lilo: I eat all four food groups, and look both ways before crossing the street... and take long naps...
[Nani pumps her fist in triumph]
Lilo: and get disciplined?
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: Disciplined?
Lilo: Yeah! She disciplines me real good.
[Nani holds out here hand in "stop" gesture]
Lilo: Sometimes five times a day! With bricks!
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: Bricks?
Lilo: Uh huh... in a pillow case...
Nani: Okay, that's enough sugar for you! Why don't you run along now, you little cutie. The other social workers just thought she was a scream. Thirsty?
Mr. Cobra Bubbles: Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation i which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong, and things have indeed gone wrong.
Nani: [talking on the phone] I think it might be a koala... an *evil* koala. I can't even pet it! It keeps *staring* at me, like it's gonna eat me!
Jumba: WHAT? after all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? JUST LIKE THAT?
Stitch: [alien language] Ih.
Jumba: Fine!
Pleakley: "Fine"? You're doing what he says?
Jumba: He's very persuasive!
Hula Teacher: Lilo, why are you all wet?
Lilo: It's sandwich day. Every Thursday I take Pudge the fish a peanut butter sandwich...
Hula Teacher: "Pudge" is a fish?
Lilo: And today we were out of peanut butter. So I asked my sister what to give him, and she said "a tuna sandwich". I can't give Pudge tuna!
Lilo: Do you know what tuna *is*?
Hula Teacher: Fish?
Lilo: [hysterical] It's fish! If I give Pudge tuna, I'd be an abomination! I'm late because I had to go to the store and get peanut butter 'cause all we have is... is... stinkin' tuna!
Hula Teacher: Lilo, Lilo, why is this so important to you?
Lilo: [calm] Pudge controls the weather.
Jumba: Come on, what's the big deal?
Stitch: [in alien language] Oongatish mista!
Jumba: I'll put you back together again... I'll make you taller, and not so fluffy!
[whips plates at Stitch, frisbee style]
Stitch: I like fluffy!
[after there is a ring of holes around Stitch]
Stitch: [in alien language] Ah, Pooama Chicky!
Jumba: Ach! Leave my mother out of this!
Lilo: A falling star... I call it!... Get out, get out! I have to make a wish!
[Pushes Nani out of her room]
Lilo: Can't you go any faster?
Nani: Oh no! Gravity is increasing on me!
[Nani begins to fall on Lilo]
Lilo: No, it's not!
Nani: Is too, Lilo; the same thing happened yesterday.
Lilo: You rotten sister, your butt is crushing me! Why do you act so wierd?
Lilo: [Sitting at a table with Stitch] David! I got a new dog!
David: Auwe... You sure it's a dog?
Lilo: Uh huh... He used to be a collie before he got ran over.
Nani: You are so finished when I get in there! I'm gonna stuff you in the blender, push "puree," then bake you into a pie and feed it to the social worker! And when he says, "Mmmm, this is great, what's your secret?" I'm gonna say...
[Mr. Bubbles hooks his foot around hers and pulls her away from the dog-door]
Nani: ...Love... and... nurturing...
Nani: Oh, you are such a pain.
Lilo: Then why don't you sell me and buy a rabbit instead?
Nani: At least a rabbit would behave better than you!
Lilo: Good! Then you'll be happy 'cause it'll be smarter than me, too!
Nani: And quieter!
Lilo: You'll like it 'cause it's stinky like you!
[Lilo slams her bedroom door]
Nani: Go to your room!
Lilo: I'm already in my room!
Pleakley: Help! I don't like the ocean! Ahh! Oh, look, a friendly little dolphin. They helped sailors during the war... It's a shark! It's a shark and it ain't friendly! Looks like a dolphin... Tricky fish! Tricky fish! Octopus, will you please help me? An octo... the octopus is worse than the shark! I hate this planet!
Nani: Okay, talk. I know you had something to do with this. Now, where's Lilo? Talk! I know you can.
Stitch: [reveals his alien form] Ok, ok.
[Nani freaks and smacks him down with a tree branch]
Pleakley: Look! A mosquito has chosen me as her perch. She's so beautiful. Look, another one! And another one! Why, it's a whole flock! They like me! They're nuzzling my flesh with their noses! Now they're... they're... Aaaaaaaah!
Pleakley: Hold it! Hold Everything! Earth is a protected wildlife preserve. Yeah, we've been using it to rebuild the mosquito population, which need I remind you is an endangered species.
Its really cool for a Disney animation! Go watch it.
Lots of things happened last and this week. Stayed over at Jon's place, hanged out with Simin and Jennifer and stuff. Memorable stuff. 1 more year till all this ends. :(